ART creates centers of gravity

drawing people closer

transforming a space

stirring the heart of the beholder with its energy.


I’m Rachael.


I paint feminine energy in all its glorious facets—strong, protective, soft, sexy, fierce, wise...

It invites me to explore, express, and to set it free on the canvas—clearly she wants to be seen.

Mother Earth—the ultimate embodiment of feminine energy—matters greatly to me, which is why I strive to be the best steward for Her.

Art has always been with me. Early on it wasn’t a question of if I’d be an artist. It was only a matter of finding out what shape my artistic expression would take.

And much like the feminine energy that inspires me, my expression has taken several forms throughout my life.

It took a degree in Arts, Crafts and Visual Communication Design from one of the country’s best programs…

…teaching art at two prestigious private schools…

…and 15 years of freelance professional makeup artistry for tv and films, for me to trade beauty-blenders for paint brushes and finally embrace Fine Art as a full-time career.


Late bloomer. I know, right?

But that’s ok. Because great things come to those who cultivate.

I’ve always felt my way through life, letting instinct and intuition guide me. And my approach to art is not much different.

From gestural brush strokes to selecting the media the piece needs to come alive, instinct takes over calculated approach to create transformative artwork with gravity that sparks connection and conversations.

I have best practices in place that minimize my studio’s environmental footprint and a portion of my profits are donated to organizations that protect and conserve the environment.

Rachael Ryan Studio Co Fine Artist New York Brand Icon 3.png

 My work helps define the walls of countless private collectors who meet their hard work with beauty and culture.

It has been printed in House&Garden, UK and featured in Table Magazine and Studio Visit Magazine.


What Collectors are Saying


“Rachael's work just appealed to me: there is such a strong sense of line and color; the work is simultaneously sexy, whimsical, and operates both at the level of fashion and design but with an underlying strength of gesture. It is very appealing work.”

— Mark F. Flaherty

“I needed some real art on my walls and I fell in love with the artworks I purchased from Rachael. They speak to my soul!”

— Vanessa Green

“I can see the connection Rachael has with her pieces; they speak from her heart. And they’re simultaneously classic and ever-changing.”

— Jana Randall

“Being an Interior Designer, I have always felt that it is the artwork which brings a space to life. I have always been in awe of Rachael’s talent. Her pieces are breathtaking. I love her use of color.”

— Rhonda Collins


Time to Unwind…