On Dedication
A few years ago I became a student at a renowned Artist Atelier in New York City—to study oil painting with whom I consider to be some of the world's most masterful painters.
As an artist, this is one of the awesome benefits that come with living in New York. I've been studying portrait and figure painting under the renowned painter, Mary Beth McKenzie. Her work can be seen in a dozen museums including the Metropolitan Museum of Art here in New York.
In class we paint live models. There are two set ups in class — where the models sit for two week poses, 3 hours per day. Usually one of the model is clothed and the other nude. It’s been wonderful to paint real live sitting models.
“This is a luxury for a painter and a lifelong student of art... and this figure and oil study has stirred something inside me.”
I want to share with you a floral that I painted in my home studio that’s a result of the work I’ve been doing at the League. It's really the first of its kind and style for me - less abstract, but still fluid and expressive.
This new style is being born within me. It’s almost as if I have new hands or have discovered a new way of seeing. It's an exciting and free feeling.
I truly believe that no matter what you specialize in there is always space to learn more, continue to improve or simply pivot within your craft or field. To grow exponentially.
That dedication to study through practice is a commitment that I’ve made not only for myself, but for my beloved collectors.
What would you continue to study throughout your life that truly lights you up?
Whatever it is, that is what I wish for you.
Bloom fully…
It’s your time.
It’s your life.
It’s your mark.
PS: I’d love to invite you to browse my online space and find inspiration for the day.