Metamorphosis of an Artist:
Embracing Beauty, Challenge and Change
Much time has passed since my last blog entry, and I have big changes to report.
The throughline is that I've had my head down, painting from life.
I've had a solid year of painting full-time under the guidance of my teacher, Sharon Sprung, at the Art Students League. It has been one of the most fulfilling, growth-filled years of my life. I consider myself extremely blessed to have had the opportunity to show up alongside my devoted peers daily, diligently working at the craft of oil painting, portraying wonderful models from LIFE... All the while, Sharon lighting our path, encouraging us, challenging us, and passing down so much knowledge.
Though far too soon for my heart's liking, the world shifted a bit, and a geographical move was eminent. With a decision made as fast as ripping off a band-aid, we chose not to renew our Upper East Side apartment's lease for the 9th year and moved back to our hometown of Pittsburgh... for the time being, at least.
I love New York. Relocating there as a dubious independent artist in my mid-30s - for what was to be a near decade - did jostle me around at first. I won't deny it. And somehow, living in a home in the sky, in the middle of so much concrete and energy... the city grounded, planted, nourished, and grew me into who I am. Who I'm meant to be. And for that, I'm forever indebted to it.
Discovering myself in New York required surrendering to a metamorphosis... And metamorphoses are NOT comfortable. But, as souls here to experience and expand, they are inevitable.
My time at the Art Students League was like an anchor in a windstorm. Learning how to paint from Sharon, well, that was like a novice learning how to sail a sailboat from a sailing master. I walked away from the year with an incredible mentor with whom I hold in the highest regard, meaningful friendships, along with 14 portrait paintings, and enough ambition and fuel in my belly to launch a ship.
"What am I going to do with all of this gumption?" you ask. "PAINT!" I shout from the rooftops.
I am a Painter. It's always been what I'm meant to do... and who I'm meant to be. This, I know for sure.
It is a blessing and also a challenge. It means my belief must be stronger than my fear. And I do believe.
I changed in New York City.
I'm not the same person who moved there many moons ago. I've shed. And now my challenge is to Metamorphosis again, equipped with new tools, a crystal-clear sense of purpose, and feet grounded in the new soil beneath them.
So, what’s next?
I've started an exciting, meaningful new project that I envisioned and began planning before I left the city. It's underway, and I can't wait to soon share more with you as it develops.
You'll have to stay tuned! I promise, it will be worth your while.
A toast to New York
A toast to Change
A toast to the Future